Bulk Taco Meat from Frozen

I found this to be the best way to cook taco meat from frozen.

I typically cook six pounds of meat per batch. This is the largest amount that fits easily on my propane griddle.

If you use this method, the grease will automatically be removed from the ground beef in sous vide and there will be no need to drain the grease after browning the meat. The finished product is moist and flavorful.


  1. Heat the sous vide water to 165 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Place three one-pound chubs of taco meat in a sous vide vacuum bag.
    • Before sealing the bags, score the bag on each chub about halfway around the middle with a knife. If you don’t the bag will swell and spray blood and grease three feet into the air when you puncture it after cooking.
    • I would also make a cut lengthwise across the first cut to make the meat easier to remove from the chub.
  3. Vacuum seal the bag.
  4. Repeat the process for a second and third three pound bag.
  5. Cook the bags of chubs in the sous vide for two hours.
    • After two hours the meat should be between 140 and 150 degrees in the center and have he texture of a firm meatloaf.
  6. Remove the chubs from the sous vide.
    • The grease and excess liquid will have leaked from the chubs into the vacuum bag.
  7. Clip the corner of the bag and drain it into a large bowl. You don’t want the fat going down your drain. You can seal the fat into a separate vacuum bag to dispose of it.
  8. Rinse the outside of the plastic chubs.
  9. Empty the meat from the chubs into a large pan or metal bowl.
  10. Heat 2/3 cups of water per pound of meat in a microwave-safe bowl. (4 cups for 6 pounds).
  11. Whisk in the appropriate amount of seasoning. I use the taco seasoning in this recipe but you can always purchase premade taco seasoning.
  12. Transfer the meat to a large pan or a large, deep sided griddle.
    • I use a propane Blackstone outdoor griddle with the front legs lowered about an inch. This keeps the seasoning mix from running out he back grease trap.
  13. Break the meat apart with a ground meat chopper.
  14. Gradually pour the spice and water mixture over the meat as you continue to chop it.
  15. Brown the meat and sauce mixture on medium heat until most of the liquid has evaporated.
  16. After adding the sauce back to the meat, very little weight is lost and the finished meat should weigh almost as much as the frozen meat.
  17. I can freeze 6 pounds of prepared taco meat in an 11 x 15 inch vacuum seal bag.
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