Roasted Garlic


Several (8 or 10) fresh unpeeled heads of garlic


  1. Preheat the oven to 400°F
  2. Cut about 1/4″ off the stem-side of the head of garlic.  You should cut enough that you cut just a little off the top of each garlic clove.  
  3. Peel off the dry paper layers from the heads.  Don’t peel so much that the cloves come apart.  
  4. As you peel away the layers, you will probably uncover additional cloves lower on the sides. Trim the top of these too.
  5. Put the heads on foil on a baking sheet.  I have seen some recipes where they place each head, individually into a muffin tin but that sounds like a lot of work and cleanup so I don’t do it.  
  6. Pour olive oil into the cut portion of each head of garlic.  
  7. Wrap the foil up around the heads and push it together to form something that looks like a big Hershey’s Kiss. 
  8. Bake for 35 minutes.  The cloves sould be dark and soft at this point. 
  9. Remove the pan from the oven and carefully open the foil and let the garlic cool. 
  10. You should be able to squeeze the garlic cloves out of the heads.  (EWWW). 
  11. I put about 1 head worth of cloves in each small zip top or vacuum bag and freeze them.  Roasted garlic is very mild so I end up using 4 or 5 times as much as unroasted garlic in a recipe.   


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